The Laughing Zebra

Making Reading Beautiful!

Making Reading Beautiful!

We painted Free Little Libraries!

Does your city have a Little Free Library? These are little free standing libraries that have a “host” who looks after them and can be located in someone’s yard , out in the country, or in front of a business or in a park.  You can take a book to read or leave one for someone else to find. This non-profit organization was started in 2009. There are now over 90,000 Little Free Libraries in over 91 countries. 

Our town started this program a few years ago and my husband and I were two of the local artists who were asked to participate by painting one of the libraries. We did this two years in a row and really enjoyed coming up with an idea and seeing it through to the finished product. The libraries in our area were ordered from the official Little Free Library organization. 

They came already built and with a registered number that is linked to a LFL world map. However, there are hundreds of these libraries across the country that are completely handmade. You can Google Little Free Libraries to see some of the creative ideas. Below are a few of the libraries we painted.

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